Tips on How To Get Started As An Tattoo Artist

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Published on May 10, 2023

Whether you're an experienced tattoo artist looking to break into a new market or a complete beginner, tattooing can be a fun and lucrative art form to pursue.

But becoming a successful tattoo artist takes more than just artistic talent - it also takes business acumen and the ability to run your own shop. 

In this blog post, we'll give you some tips on how to get started as a tattoo artist. So whether you're just getting started in your career or are looking for ways to take your business to the next level, keep reading for helpful advice!

How to Become a Tattoo Artist?

There are several ways to become a tattoo artist, and whatever one you take will mostly rely on the kind of artist you want to be, your resources, your artistic ability, and the opportunities in your area.

To raise your skill level, learn the business, and master the tattooing craft, there are some universal steps all prospective artists must do. Here is a starting point.

How to Become a Tattoo Artist

1. Build an Impressive Portfolio

You should first put together a killer portfolio that showcases your aptitude for composition, color, and line work.

2. Create Eye-Catching Flash Designs

Take your time when making the flash, and when you enter a studio, have at least two sets of flash prepared, two sets, totaling around five pages each, one set in black and white and the other five pages in color. The size of the papers must not be less than 14x11 inches.

3. Show Creativity and Skill

Take your time and be as inventive as you can when drawing the flash, as I just suggested. If you did nice work and wowed the tattoo artist, you might have a better chance of gaining the apprenticeship.

4. Grab Attention with New Flashes

Tattoo artists love to check out new flashes. If you have the potential to become an artist yourself, a good artist will be able to tell immediately away.

5. Research and Contact Studios

Once you've finished drawing the flashes, start calling on nearby studios and speaking with the proprietors. Here is a quick guideline on what to say as well as what to do.

6. Visit Studios in Advance

Before requesting for an apprenticeship, make sure you visit the studio a few days in advance.

7. Assess the Studio's Quality

To obtain a sense of the overall caliber of the studio, see whether the artists are welcoming, if the store is professional, and if any pictures of recently completed work are displayed on the walls.

8. Timing Matters

Say you are browsing around if someone asks whether you need any help. Make sure the shop is not too crowded before approaching the owner and asking for an apprenticeship.

9. Present Your Flash Designs

Make several copies of your flashes, then enter your preferred studio with them. Inform them that you have some tattoo flash for sale and ask for the person in charge.

10. Make a Memorable Entrance

As I mentioned before, artists are often interested in checking out new flash, so make sure they unintentionally catch them when you enter the studio.

11. Professional Presentation

Carry the sheets around in your hand without covering them with an object like an envelope so that everyone in the store can see them. Don't throw the sheets on the counter or directly into his face.

12. Focus on Apprenticeship, Not Profit

But keep in mind that your goal is to get an apprenticeship, not to profit off tattoo flash, so if they show an interest, keep the cost moderate.

13. Express Your Interest

Mention that you are seeking for an apprenticeship and ask if they are looking for someone to work in the studio if you have already started talking about your flash. Your attitude matters while speaking with the artist.

14. Maintain a Positive Attitude

When he speaks to you, don't act smart and respond, "You Know," since you don't know; else, you wouldn't be there asking for an apprenticeship. Just be amiable, assured, and interested. The artist and your work will take care of the rest.

Pros of Being a Tattoo Artist

Pros of Being a Tattoo Artist

Performing tattooing techniques on clients while working independently is a requirement of a tattoo artist's job.

You can utilize your artistic talent and creative thinking to design tattoos for clients in this employment. 

Examining the benefits and drawbacks of being a tattoo artist might help you decide if this is the correct path for you.

The definition of a tattoo artist is covered in this article, along with a list of potential benefits and drawbacks.

1. Interacting with Diverse Clients

Tattoo artists frequently deal with a diverse range of customers. Dealing as a tattoo artist gives you the chance to interact with plenty of clients if you like working with people or meeting new people.

Often, it takes many hours to create a tattoo piece, giving you plenty of time to chat with customers and get to know them better.

You might discover their motivation for getting a tattoo, details about their history, or details about their prior interactions with tattoos or tattoo artists.

2. Honing Creative Abilities

Since different tattoo designs, colors, and styles may be requested by your customers, working as a tattoo artist allows you to hone your creative abilities.

Some clients could ask you to come up with an original design, which gives you the chance to put your design expertise and imagination to work.

Making use of your creative abilities may reduce the likelihood that you'll feel uninspired at work and make your work seem more interesting.

3. Providing Meaningful Tattoos

Customers frequently ask for tattoos with a significant emotional impact or deep meaning.

They might get a tattoo in memory of a friend or member of their family, or they might get one that represents their interests or pastimes.

You may give customers a tattoo that means something to them and leaves a lasting impression. This could support you in having a fulfilling and happy career.

4. Entrepreneurial Opportunities

There is fierce competition in the tattooing industry. This is due to the fact that tattoo artists frequently start their own businesses and that customers frequently stick with the same tattoo artist.

It could be challenging to persuade a client to get a tattoo from you if they already have a favorite tattoo artist.

You might concentrate on creating engaging marketing campaigns or presenting your work through social media or tattooing websites to attract new customers.

Bottom Line

Tattooing is Meaningful! It may not be comparable to taking vital medications or consuming meals, but for many of us, it is almost as crucial.

The connection we have with tattoos and the procedure for having them couples with the required interpersonal contact made in a tattoo studio setting. 

It frequently ranks among the most crucial aspects of our existence. Our desire for tattoo therapy can seem just as fundamental as our daily need for water.

Check out our list of articles on tattooing to learn everything you need to know become an tattoo artist!

Ryan S. Mills
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